
Molds are used in soap, candles, and resin making to shape and form the final product. In these crafts, molds are typically made of silicone, plastic, metal, or other materials that can withstand heat and be easily cleaned. In soap making, molds are used to shape the soap into various forms, such as bars, balls, or shapes. In candle making, molds are used to shape the wax into various forms, such as pillars, votives, or tapers. In resin making, molds are used to shape the resin into various forms, such as jewelry, figurines, or decorative objects. Molds allow for endless possibilities in soap, candle, and resin making, as they can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, or even created from scratch using custom designs. They are an essential tool in these crafts for creating unique and personalized products.

القوالب تستخدم في صناعة الصابون والشموع وتصنيع الريزن لتشكيل المنتج النهائي. في هذه الحرف اليدوية، تصنع القوالب عادةً من السيليكون أو البلاستيك أو المعدن أو مواد أخرى يمكن أن تتحمل الحرارة ويمكن تنظيفها بسهولة. و في صناعة الصابون، يتم استخدام القوالب لتشكيل الصابون بأشكال مختلفة، مثل الأعواد والكرات والأشكال المتنوعه. في صناعة الشموع، يتم استخدام القوالب لتشكيل الشمع بأشكال مختلفة، مثل الأعمدة والشموع الصغيرة والشموع الطويلة. في صناعة الريزن ، يتم استخدام القوالب لتشكيل الراتنج بأشكال مختلفة، مثل المجوهرات والتماثيل والأجسام الزخرفية. تتيح القوالب إمكانيات لا حصر لها في صناعة الصابون والشموع وتصنيع الريزن ، حيث يمكن العثور عليها بأشكال وأحجام مختلفة، أو حتى إنشائها من البداية باستخدام مواد مخصصة. إنها أداة أساسية في هذه الحرف اليدوية لإنتاج منتجات فريدة وشخصية.

Academic Or Graduation Cap Mold
21.85 SR 19.00 SR 21.85 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Snow Ball Mold
28.00 SR 28.00 SR 28.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Flower Silicone Mold 4
25.00 SR 25.00 SR 25.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Flower Silicone Mold 5
17.00 SR 17.00 SR 17.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Flower Silicone Mold 6
17.00 SR 17.00 SR 17.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Flower Silicone Mold 7
12.00 SR 12.00 SR 12.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Square And Round Mold
33.00 SR 33.00 SR 33.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Teardrop Stone Mold
43.00 SR 43.00 SR 43.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Geometric And Flower Shapes Mold
30.00 SR 30.00 SR 30.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Mix Polygon Mold
27.00 SR 27.00 SR 27.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Cake And Heart Shapes Mold
28.00 SR 28.00 SR 28.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Pentagonal Shape Mold
31.00 SR 31.00 SR 31.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Hexagonal Label Shapes Mold
33.00 SR 33.00 SR 33.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Frame Mold 2
30.00 SR 30.00 SR 30.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Frame Mold 1
31.00 SR 31.00 SR 31.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Jewel Candle Mold
28.00 SR 28.00 SR 28.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Sculptural Face Candle Mold 2
19.00 SR 19.00 SR 19.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Sculptural Face Candle Mold 1
17.00 SR 17.00 SR 17.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Cylindrical Roses Candle Mold
28.00 SR 28.00 SR 28.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Roundy Roses Candle Mold
30.00 SR 30.00 SR 30.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Plant Bud Candle Mold
19.00 SR 19.00 SR 19.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Flowery Round Candle Mold
21.00 SR 21.00 SR 21.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Cube Bubbles Candle Mold
13.00 SR 13.00 SR 13.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.
Cylindrical Coated Mold
19.00 SR 19.00 SR 19.0 SAR
Unleash your creativity with our versatile molds, designed for soap, candle, resin and others, making and ensuring professional-quality results every time.